2009. június 2., kedd

Home Sweet Home - Food

Ami nagyon tud hiányozni (things that I'm missing)...

nyársalás (spitting bacon + onion and grill them in fire)with sausage, vegetables... yammi
mother, father + Laci
cucumber and radish.
:D the bacon
and we drip the fat on the bread
hurka, kolbász
apple pie
tepertő (kind of bacon), zöldhagyma (spring onion), paprika
virslisaláta, fasírt (wurstel-salade and meatballs)
EPER :D strawberry from the garden of my Grandma

and from the garden of my mother
The real goulash soup :)
Csorog a nyálam. Annyira finomakat ettünk otthon! Köszönjük!

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